Sherri Marengo

Sherri Marengo

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Theater fun for kids happening in the Pine Belt!

Just Over the Rainbow Theatre is holding auditions for “What Happened After Once Upon a Time”, the summer youth show. Kids ages 6-17 can read for parts, and younger kids of those cast will also have a place. Directed by Michael Garner. Auditions are Sunday 4-6pm and Monday 6-8pm (April 15-16) at the Sherill Center, downtown Hattiesburg. JORT 2018 season in partnership with the City of Hattiesburg. For more info, call 601-264-6534 or email

Stagestruck Performance Studio presents “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” April 20th at 7:30pm, April 21st at 2pm and 7:30pm, in the historic Hattiesburg Saenger Theater. This is a show for all ages and tickets are available through the Saenger box office or Eventbrite.

Encore Performing Arts Theatre summer camp, June 4-10 at Dance Etc. Old Bay Springs Road, Laurel. Intensive theater workshop for kids ages 3-17. Call Juna Broome at 601-297-5157 for details.

Kids Acting Opportunities

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